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Leading the way: SCC's impact at the ILAC-IAF...
The annual ILAC-IAF Joint Annual Meetings, held this year in Montréal, Canada, are a crucial international gathering for organizations dedicated to ensuring the integrity and competence of conformity assessment bodies. The...
Getting Aligned. How Adopting Standards Affects...
This 25-page report, commissioned by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) and produced by the Conference Board of Canada, clarifies and confirms the essential role that standards play in Canada’s economic growth and labour...
A Breath of Fresh Air: How updating indoor air...
This report details the significant cost of poor indoor air quality. Regulators reference air quality standards in regulations to safeguard employees. However, this research demonstrates the benefits that can be realized from...
Accreditation Bulletin
National forest certification standards update
Action required All SCC accredited Management Systems Certification Bodies providing certification to sustainable forest management systems and SCC-accredited Certification Bodies accredited to the Sustainable Forestry...
Designing Resilient Communities: Protecting people...
Canadian communities are on the frontline of climate change. Without action, future costs from flooding events in Canada alone could reach $13.6 billion (CAD) 1 annually by the end of the century. And the costs are not only...
Future by design: standards for a climate resilient...
Final Report of the 2016-2021 Standards to Support Resilience in Infrastructure Program Our buildings and infrastructure are designed with weather in mind. We expect our homes to protect us from heavy snow, our stormwater...
Moving forward together: 2021-2022 Annual Report
From Climate Change and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to public health and wellness, we worked closely with our partners throughout the year to define standardization strategies for the most complex, interconnected challenges...
A Perspective on U.S. Standardization: A Strategic...
Business, governments and consumer groups interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the U.S. standardization system will want to read the Standards Council of Canada’s (SCC’s) latest report, A Perspective on U.S...
Annual Report: 2014-2015
The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) has released its 2014-2015 Annual Report Strengthening, Leading, Delivering Value to Canada. The report illustrates SCC’s role as the leader of Canada’s standardization network and...
Annual Report 2018-2019: Delivering Value Together
The Standards Council of Canada is pleased to publish our 2018–19 Annual Report.
Bridging the Standards Divide: Modernizing Standards...
This report analyzes and compiles CATRTA beneficiary countries’ needs in the areas of standards, conformity assessment and technical barriers to trade (TBT), identified during the CIDA funded workshop/roundtable held from May...